I M Human
A Revolutionary Support System

Our History



Hi, I'm Ian Shea and here's how

I M Human began. 

As CEO of I M Human, I know a lot about Life Moments™.  One in particular lead to the creation of I M Human.  

I know first-hand that growth can be uncomfortable and challenging. I am in a good spot now, but behind that statement there has been a lot of work to get through fears, insecurities and doubts...which is work I continue to do each day.

A few years ago, it became clear that the prior company I was building wasn’t working out as anticipated. Money was running out and traction had slowed. Some were urging me to shut it down.  Fear and anxiety were constant and inescapable.  This was my Life Moment™.  I had no playbook for how to navigate this experience. 

So I simplified my life to only things that were nourishing and supportive. I developed a daily process that helped me stabilize, which included digesting online videos, articles, books and other content sent from trusted people. While absorbing all of this, I continually sought out different perspectives by connecting with experts, friends, family and most importantly, myself.

This integrated process of content plus human connection shifted a potentially disastrous moment into one of tremendous growth for me both personally and professionally.  My epiphany came when I realized not only how unique and valuable this combination of support was, but also how complicated it was to seek out and assemble in a meaningful way.

Stunned by the lack of significant safe harbors, portholes and resources, I launched I M Human, a place of comfort and strategies.  It is an important place and I am building it and providing guidance to companies passionate about supporting the “Life Moments™” and mental and emotional needs of their employees.


We’re all human, we all have our challenges.

Some we laugh about, some we don’t talk about. But no matter what, it’s all real.

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What if, instead of avoiding your challenges, you just got curious about them?

No judgements, no list of to-do’s, no pressure to make huge life changes.

Imagine that support was right there in front of you...
